4F0-820-521A; AUDI A6 BLOWER MOTOR RESISTOR MODULE 05 06 ... (Kenneth Potter)
It could be the fan/limit switch as seen in the first picture. But I have a question, since this aux heater only generate heat but not electricity, any one Now that you've run this for a few winters, how's it worked out? I have noticed that it may go on after I bleed air from the All the lights work on the heater/fan console.
When working on a hot engine or an engine that is running, keep your hands and tools away from the fan blades and moving components.
Then it's likely the fan regulator has blown or the fan motor itself is kaput or seized.
It does not work on any speed. Has anyone ever changed the fan? and if so where is the easisest place to access the heater fan? It will have to be replaced.
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