C4 UrS (and 100/A6) Driver's End-of-dash Fuse Panel ... (Bettie Spencer)
The fuse box will be visible as shown below. Locate fusebox in your Audi, check for blown fuses as your first diagnostic step when troubleshooting electric issues. Turbo indicates there is only the one fuse panel in your car.
And the locations of those may vary from under the cowl panel to inside and The main Engine Control Unit fuse box is found under the right side of the cowl panel on most of the variants.
Locate fusebox in your Audi, check for blown fuses as your first diagnostic step when troubleshooting electric issues.
To access them you need to open the driver's door Pry dashboard side cover. List of fuses by location, ampere rating, and designation. Problem is i do not have a handbook with the car and cant find the fuse box to check them. can someone point me in the right direction and let me know what fuse number should be for the radio.
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