Audi A4 Cabriolet SPARES OR REPAIR ONLY, IMMACULATE ROOF ... (Derrick Bates)
Hi I have also recently bought a Saab convertible and had numerous issues ? I have no earthly idea where the ROof motor is to check connections. Roof Motor's popular Roof Motor trends in Toys & Hobbies, Automobiles & Motorcycles, Home Improvement, Men's Clothing with Roof Motor and Roof Motor.
Then the roof wouldn't move anymore and I had to manually put it down.
When I press button for roof to go down, roof clips out of windscreen pillar and then goes no further.
So even with drains that are open and clear, with no water backing up to submerge the motor, if the sound-insulating plastic case is only sealed with tape, the water running off the convertible top and over the motor on. Introductions are limited to motor finance. Car Sunroofs, Convertibles & Hardtops for Audi.
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